Frequently Asked Questions
Who are we?
We are the Rockford Area Breakfast Club (tHE ROCK), founded in 2023 with a simple goal - to create a place for area youth to start their day with a meal and a faith-based message of love and caring.
Are we a restaurant?
No. We are a faith-based non-profit 501c-3 serving area youth breakfast and sharing a faith-based message.
Who are our affiliates?
We are a local, Christian-based 501c-3 with a Board of Directors. We are not affiliated with any other larger commercial entities or assciated with any denomination.
Who are the teachers/speakers?
We are working on amassing several different motivational and dynamic speakers to share testimony and faith-based messages with area youth.
Who will you serve?
tHE ROCK is for the kids! It’s their space. We are working through all this will encompass but it’s definitely for any area high school youth and possibly middle school youth as well.
Are you an event center? Can we rent the venue?
No. This is not an event center open to the public for rental. The Board may consider case-by-case events directly benefiting the youth of area communities. Activities within the Rockford School District will be able to request building use for year end banquets and other student related activities.
What other uses will The Rock have?
It will be open to students for breakfast and a faith-based message at designated times/days throughout the month. The facility will open for other youth/student related or community activities such as year-end banquets, tutoring services, mental health counseling, career development, FCA or similar student led group meetings. We also intend to share our kitchen space with other community meal service non-profits. This is a fluid topic, developing as we go.
What times will you be open?
The facility will be managed by RABC staff/volunteers. We are hoping to be open for breakfast service at least once a week. It will be open for other youth/student related or community activities upon request and as approved by the board.
Will you have a gym/workout facilities?
No. We may have some recreational games in the student lounge but will not have a gym or workout room.
Is this only for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
No – all area HS students are welcome. FCA, who currently meets at the RCC, will likely move their meetings to the facility.
When will the building be constructed?
Our goal is to break ground in 2025 and open within 6-8 months after groundbreaking. We are actively fundraising for in-kind and cash donations to meet that goal.